A year ago feels like yesterday

I can still quite remember a year ago from today, January 18, 2020. My Father and I went to the hypermarket to buy our groceries, we even bought a new electric kettle as the one that we had before stopped working because I poured milk on it and it was also made in plastic, it was color white and purple. 

I didn't tell my Father about our previous kettle but few months after that we decide to buy a new one, this time it's stainless, he told me it will quite raise our electricity bill a little but still we bought it anyway since it's the one that I like and it looks durable enough to be worth of its price apart from it raising our bill.

We then lined up to check out our groceries and I can still remember how normal things were back then. We ate at Super Bagnet, our favorite place to eat right after we do our groceries. It was really good, like really good. I remembered taking a photo of it then I eventually erased it and decided not to post it anymore as I would want to eat together with my Father instead and enjoy the company and food. He even went downstairs quickly to go to the restroom, and went back instantly too. 

2020 isn't really the year that I should look back... in fact, it was the worst year of my life. I don't mean to be exaggerated here but I lost so many... not just one but around 5 people that I love and I look up to. Couldn't even grieve constructively as I am still grieving with my Father's, considering he passed away 2 weeks after the year 2020 began. Way to start a year.

Writing this now, I feel like I want to stop time from passing because even I couldn't believe that it will be almost a year already since it happened... and I still don't want to accept its been that long since he's gone or so I thought.. time will still do what it does. For now, it will be a year since he's gone, till 5 years later, 10 years or even 20 years... I wouldn't want to forget. I wouldn't want to forget our last moments together.

I love you and I miss you everyday, Dad.


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