Hockey Skates for Figure Skaters ?
Megamall's New Skating Rink just opened last January 28, 2014 . The Staffs said that there are new rental figure skates , rental hockey skates and even rental "speed skates" but they can't be use at that time because they said its very hard. Anyways I used a new Hockey rental skates at least Im the first one who used it cause honestly some people's feet or public's feet are totally gross and sooner the skates would smell disgusting.
As I Tie The Hockey skates it felt weird , Like totally !! even though I tie it hard it just feels the same an empty feeling . It feels so empty inside , it has a lot of space inside it even though its just my size.
*Kuya Michael Junice teaching me haha , cause he's like using it ever since he got there cause he left his figure skates home*
So He decided to try Hockey skates , Dud at his first step he tried crossovers and totally freaking fell hard !! and fell, ... fell,, and fell because he always forgets that he's using a hockey skates. As time pass by he learned how to stop (yay for kuya michael junice !) , Actually i have a lil video Here's the link => ( ) . My first was really weird Like it was sososososo weird IT FELT LIKE IM A PUBLIC SKATER and also a Basic Figure Skater. At that time I was so so laughing at myself and thought *The feels came back when i was still a 10 yr. Old kid who use to play at MOA's Skating rink and scared to fall* you can't use your heel to stop cause you'll automatically fall cause hockey players don't use their heels (idk what its called to them) while figure skaters use them sometimes to stop Like heel and toe picks.
People say or some skaters say "If figure skating was easy, it'll be called as hockey" NO , both sport is hard well if some figure skaters sees this and be like i can hockey skate ! well okay... but still its hard okay but thats just my opinion , we all have our opinions.
When my hockey player friends try to spin , do arabesque and do cross overs i'm always like dud its so damn easy why can't you even do it ? , but then non of the things that i specified above i did try cause i would literally fall and like there's a 50-50% of me bumping my head (yeah I'm exaggerating don't be a potato :p)
Some pictures will be full of Me and Kuya Michael Junice hockey skating , better check them out ;)
Thanks Kuya Michael Junice for teaching me like somehow to hockey skates.
Follow Me on My Personal Account On Twitter ! (I Just created a new one :) : @corinnemolly
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